Full Name: Jacob Berman

Nickname: Frail Scum

Why the nickname?: "Frail Scum" was a derogatory nickname given to him by a vampire hunter he was forced to work for. The nickname was given to him since he was not good at keeping up with the vampire hunter, and is quite thin.

Pronouns: He/Him

Gender: Cis Male

Personality Positives: Creative, Honest,

Personality Negatives: Possessive (Seriously, do not touch his hello kitty pillow), Socially Akward, Can get snippy

Disabilities: None

Mental Disorders: Depression

- Details: Jacob was forced by the vampire hunter to clean his house, prepare and clean his tools, and come with him on vampire hunts. This is what got him turned into a vampire, since he was basically used as a human shield. The last time he got therapy, he got diagnosed with melancholy, and he was given an exorcism (this did not help, since he described "a deafining emptiness, that I have no drive to fill. In a cruel iorny, the lack of drive is caused by the emptiness."). He also has had stints of self harming, but they never really lasted more than a few years (And he's immortal, so he'll be comatose at most).
