These ideas were the ones I liked most from the old website code, so they aren't really categorized.

The Weather Chaos

Category: Dora Franchise

Status: Currently being written

Description: Nell gathers together some of the reformed villans and basically un-reforms them through magical mind control or through just bribing them so well that it overrides their morality. He then attempts to use them to destroy Dora, but that fails, inavertedly giving him complete control of the weather in the Rainforest and Playa Verde. He basically uses this to start the apocalyse in those areas using intense natural disasters and to take them over. So we get to see Dora and her friends try to survive, deal with the trauma of witnessing the start of the the apocalyse (as well as numerous natural disasters), and defeat Nell.

Survival Instincts

Category: Crossover

Status: Not Even Started

Note: Got the idea from a We Bare Bears episode

After watching an ad, Dora and AJ accuse each other (well, AJ does most of the accussing, Dora mostly focuses on the fact that the man in the ad ate a stick) of relying too much on modern comforts, so they have a competition to figure out who would be best at surviving in the more "wild" parts of a completely wild and unknown part of The Rainforest without their technology

Incorrect Quotes

Category: Dora Franchise

Status: Ongoing/Endless

Description: Any kind of incorrect quotes I think of.


Category: Misc

Status: Ongoing/Endless

Description: Headcanons I have, mostly for the Dora Fanchise.