It dawned on me that I should probably link back to anything I use that doesn't come with a link I put on my website. So, I made a page dedicated to that.

The first layout of this website, and what I'm using to help with the current layout of the site: Goblin-Heart's layout maker.

Her button in case you wanted to go to her full website:

Website I first found the Magic Technique quiz:

Go to quiz results, and scroll until you find a picture with the words "item enchanting".

Where I found some of the cool graphics, and the reason I needed to create a separate folder for graphics (that's a compliment btw): Mooeena's Graphics Page

Snow Rabbit Gif: Shalmons

Black & Rainbow Bunny Gif: Mooeena linked it back to sadgirl's website, but I don't think she's the original artist. If someone does know/is the original artist, either comment that to me, or contact me on Deviantart or Tumblr.

Rainbow Star Divider: chot

She/Her, Left-Handed, and AuDHD badges: fluffmoth

Getting Your Own Gifhy Pet:

My current site background:Zeffdakilla

You reached the end of some people this list is made for (at least the ones that didn't already have links in the things I put on there). More will be added as I update the website!
